
Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Make a Video Play in Powerpoint 2016 TUTORIAL

How to Make a Video Play in Powerpoint 2016 It'south always exciting to think about that adjacent big thing around the corner, which can transform the way that we live – and peculiarly how nosotros communicate and evangelize presentations. Although what looks  similar hologram video engineering has been used in high-profile performances in the by, such as Tupac's for a few years ago, I'g personally waiting for consumer holograms to become widely available. While we're all the same some fourth dimension away from widespread 3D holograms, i thing that'southward sort of close to a hologram video – and very pop correct now – is this 3D hologram video pyramid.  It consists of a video playing on a flat screen (I personally just flipped my laptop screen downwardly), with the upside-down pyramid sitting on top and reflecting the animation. You lot can become some pretty
